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Why Parents Prefer Abroad Rishtay for their Daughters ?

Abroad Rishtay in Karachi Pakistan


In the recent years, there has been a noticeable trend among Pakistani families in seeking prospective matches, commonly known as "Abroad Rishtay" for their daughters. This shift in matrimonial preferences is influenced by a combination of socio-cultural, economic, and personal factors. BZ Begum Zaheer Marriage Bureau and Rishta Service being the pioneer in the field of matrimony aims to highlight the reasons behind the increasing inclination of Pakistani families towards foreign rishtay for their daughters.

Why parents prefers Abroad Rishtay of  USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Middle East etc for their daughters?

The geopolitical and economic stability of the prospective groom's home country can influence the decision-making process. Families may prioritize countries with a stable political environment and a strong economy, perceiving them as conducive to a secure and prosperous life. The assessment of a country's overall stability becomes a crucial factor in evaluating the feasibility and desirability of abroad rishtay.

We are highlighting the major factors as follows which contributes to the preference of families demanding foreign nationals for their daughters:

Economic Opportunities and Better Quality Life: 

A pivotal factor contributing to the preference for abroad rishtay is the pursuit of better economic opportunities. Families envision that marrying their daughters to individuals settled abroad may lead to improved financial stability and enhanced living standards. The impact of developed nations with robust economies becomes particularly enticing for families seeking a secure and prosperous future for their daughters. Furthermore, the belief that the groom's international exposure could bring forth avenues for career advancement and lucrative opportunities further cements the economic rationale behind this matrimonial preference. Families often perceive a union with a partner from abroad as a strategic move to secure financial well-being and stability. 

Beyond personal financial stability, families may also consider the potential for economic support for extended family members. Marrying daughters to individuals settled abroad may be perceived as an opportunity to establish a financial safety net that can benefit not only the immediate spouse but also the relatives or family persons in Pakistan. The perception of an enhanced quality of life, encompassing factors such as clean environments, better infrastructure, and improved public services, contributes to the appeal of abroad rishtay. Families may believe that settling in a developed nation provides their daughters with access to a higher standard of living, including better healthcare.

Educational Prospects: 

The quest for superior educational opportunities serves as another catalyst for the growing interest in abroad rishtay. Families harbor the belief that marrying their daughters to individuals abroad can provide them access to top-tier educational systems and resources. This is especially relevant when the prospective groom has pursued education or established a career in a developed nation.The potential for educational enrichment becomes a compelling factor in the decision-making process, as families aspire to ensure that their daughters have the opportunity to thrive intellectually in an environment conducive to academic growth and innovation.

Diverse Cultural Exposure: 

Seeking rishtay abroad is also intrinsically tied to the aspiration for a more diverse cultural exposure. Families view international marriages as an avenue for their daughters to experience different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. The exposure to diverse perspectives is seen as enriching and broadening, contributing to the personal development and global outlook of the individuals involved.The idea of fostering cultural understanding and embracing diversity within the familial unit is often cited as a driving force behind the inclination towards abroad rishtay. Families recognize the potential for a harmonious blend of cultures and traditions, creating a unique and enriching environment for their daughters.

Global Networking: 

Beyond the realms of personal and cultural enrichment, abroad rishtay are perceived as a means of expanding social networks on a global scale. Families believe that such marriages can open doors to various opportunities, both personally and professionally. The potential for cross-cultural collaboration and networking is a motivating factor for families seeking matches abroad.The interconnected world we live in has made global networking a tangible reality, and families are increasingly recognizing the potential benefits that stem from establishing international connections through matrimonial alliances. The prospect of forging valuable relationships that extend beyond geographical boundaries is an attractive proposition for many.

Perceived Social Status: 

There exists a prevailing perception that marrying daughters to individuals settled abroad enhances the social status of the family. This belief is rooted in the notion that international connections and experiences contribute to a higher social standing within the community. As a result, families may actively seek matches abroad to gain prestige in their social circles.The perceived elevation in social status is not only limited to the family but extends to the individual daughter as well. Marrying into an international context is often seen as a symbol of success and accomplishment, adding an additional layer of motivation for families to explore abroad rishtay.

Migration as a Norm: 

The globalized nature of contemporary society has normalized migration as a common life choice. Families may encourage their daughters to consider abroad rishtay due to the prevalent belief that migration can lead to a more dynamic and fulfilling life. This normalization is fueled by the portrayal of migration as a means of personal and professional growth, making it an attractive option for those seeking a broader spectrum of life experiences.The societal acceptance of cross-border marriages has grown in tandem with the normalization of migration, and families increasingly view international unions as a pathway to a more cosmopolitan and interconnected life.

Technology and Ease of Communication:

Technological advancements in communication have played a pivotal role in facilitating easier and more frequent interactions between individuals from different parts of the world. This has significantly contributed to fostering international connections and making long-distance relationships more feasible. The ease of communication has a direct impact on families' willingness to explore abroad rishtay options.Video calls, messaging apps, and social media platforms have bridged the gap between individuals separated by geographical distances, enabling continuous and meaningful interactions. This technological landscape has not only facilitated the initial stages of getting to know a potential partner but has also eased the ongoing communication between families and individuals involved in the matrimonial process.

Long-term Security and Stability: 

Families often view international marriages as a pathway to long-term security and stability. The legal and social structures in some developed nations are perceived as providing a more secure environment for personal and familial well-being. Factors such as healthcare systems, social security, and legal protections contribute to the notion that settling abroad offers a more stable and secure future for the daughters and their potential families.

Social Liberalization:

Marrying daughters to individuals abroad is sometimes associated with a perception of greater social liberalization. Families may believe that the exposure to more liberal societies can provide their daughters with increased personal freedom and a broader range of opportunities for self-expression and personal development. This aspect becomes particularly relevant in societies where traditional norms and expectations are perceived as more restrictive.

Drawbacks of Marrying Daughters Abroad in Muslim Societies like Pakistan:

In the evolving landscape of matrimonial decisions within Muslim societies, particularly in countries like Pakistan, marrying daughters abroad has become a prevalent trend. While this choice is driven by various aspirations, it is crucial to acknowledge and understand the potential drawbacks associated with such unions. This article aims to shed light on the challenges that families may encounter when their daughters marry individuals from foreign countries.

Cultural and Social Adjustment: 

One significant drawback is the challenge of cultural and social adjustment. Marrying into a culture different from one's own can pose difficulties in terms of adapting to new social norms, customs, and expectations. The daughter may find herself navigating unfamiliar traditions, potentially leading to feelings of isolation and cultural dissonance.

Communication Barriers: 

Language differences can become a considerable hurdle. While technology facilitates communication, the nuances of language can be challenging to overcome. Misunderstandings may arise, affecting both interpersonal relationships and the broader family dynamics. The daughter may find it challenging to express herself fully or understand the subtleties of communication in a language that is not her mother tongue.

Extended Family Dynamics: 

Marrying abroad may strain relationships with extended family members who are accustomed to close-knit familial ties. The physical distance can lead to a sense of disconnect, impacting the support system that extended families traditionally provide. Celebrations, gatherings, and familial responsibilities may become less accessible, contributing to a potential sense of isolation for the daughter.

Legal and Documentation Complexities: 

Navigating legal and documentation processes in a foreign country can be complex and daunting. Issues related to residency, citizenship, and other legal matters may arise, demanding meticulous attention. The daughter and her family may find themselves grappling with bureaucratic challenges and unfamiliar legal systems, adding a layer of stress to the marriage.

Financial Strain: 

Contrary to the expectation of improved economic opportunities, marrying abroad can lead to financial strain. Unforeseen circumstances, such as the daughter being unable to work immediately due to legal restrictions or differences in professional qualifications, can contribute to financial challenges. The initial expectation of economic stability may not materialize as quickly as anticipated.

Lack of Family Support: 

The absence of a familiar social support system can be emotionally challenging. The daughter may face situations where she needs guidance or emotional support, and the physical distance from her family and friends may exacerbate feelings of loneliness. Building a new support network in a foreign land takes time and effort, adding emotional strain to the marriage.

Parental Concerns for Safety: 

Parents may harbor concerns for the safety and well-being of their daughters in a foreign land. Apprehensions about cultural differences, societal expectations, and the daughter's overall security may be heightened. Navigating these concerns while being physically distant can contribute to parental anxiety and stress.

Impact on Children (Future Generation): 

If the daughter decides to have children, the multicultural environment may present unique challenges. Balancing cultural identities and ensuring the children feel connected to both sides of their heritage can be complex. The lack of extended family support further complicates the parenting journey, potentially impacting the children's sense of identity and belonging.

Religious Practices and Values: 

Religious practices and values may differ significantly between the daughter's home country and the country where she settles. Maintaining religious identity and ensuring the continuation of religious traditions may become challenging in an environment where Islamic practices are not as prevalent or easily accessible.

Divorce and Legal Protections: 

In the unfortunate event of marital issues or divorce, navigating the legal systems of a foreign country may pose additional challenges. Understanding legal rights, custody arrangements, and financial implications can be complex and emotionally draining. The daughter may face hurdles in securing legal protections, especially if she is not well-versed in the legal intricacies of the host country.


The preference for abroad rishtay among Pakistani families for their daughters is a complex phenomenon, shaped by a combination of economic, educational, cultural, and social factors. The pursuit of better opportunities, exposure to diverse cultures, and the desire for an enhanced social status contribute to the evolving trend. As society continues to globalize, it is likely that the inclination towards seeking matches abroad will persist, reflecting the changing dynamics of matrimonial choices in Pakistani culture. 

While marrying daughters abroad in Muslim societies like Pakistan may offer various opportunities, it is crucial to recognize and address the potential drawbacks. Cultural adjustments, communication barriers, legal complexities, financial strains, and the impact on family dynamics are aspects that require careful consideration. As families navigate the complexities of international marriages, open communication, family support and proactive efforts to address challenges become essential in ensuring the well-being and happiness of our beloved daughters.

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They are highly professional. Very happy to work with them. Find a great match